Customize the Chevy Sonic With Online Graphics Designer

Posted by Sonic Tuners On Monday, September 19, 2011
Chevy has added the 2012 Sonic to the online graphics designer website powered by Original Wraps.  There are a number of configurations for the user to play with at  The online graphics configurations available for the various Chevy models is a creative way for owners to personalize their vehicles.  We recommend everyone go and play around on the site.

First thoughts on the graphics was this must be for the upcoming Z-Spec line, but after playing around with the different options it appears that the configurations are available for any of the lines.  Be prepared, prices for these factory graphic stickers might just give you a classic case of "sticker shock".

Nearly all of the choices have various color schemes, and different design codes.  This chart is just to demonstrate the various prices and codes reflected for those prices.  Please note on the website there is an (*) that states price does not include installation. 

            Blade:               $    845.00                        Design Code:  CG0200
            Attack:              $    975.00                        Design Code:  CG0196      
            Rift:                   $  1053.00                        Design Code:  CG0206
            Vapor:               $  1170.00                        Design Code:  CG0197
            Warp:                $  1495.00                        Design Code:  CG0202
            Pulse:               $  1586.00                        Design Code:  CG0195  
            Synergy:           $  2860.00                        Design Code:  CG0201 
            Freestyle:         $  2860.00                        Design Code:  CG0204
            Valor:                $  2860.00                        Design Code:  CG0208

            Swoosh:           $    208.00                        Design Code:  CG0216  
            Arrows:             $    299.00                        Design Code:  CG0226 
            Upper S:           $    325.00                        Design Code:  CG0225  
Low Sonic:        $    390.00                        Design Code:  CG0214    
            Low Turbo:       $    390.00                        Design Code:  CG0229   
            Tribal:               $    585.00                        Design Code:  CG0220  
            Large S             $  1170.00                        Design Code:  CG0222 
            Splatter:            $    533.00                        Design Code:  CG0213  

            Techno:            $    195.00                        Design Code:  CG0210

Chevy Graphics Website.  Retrieved September 19, 2011 from:  

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